Monday, November 17, 2008

The new pres on 60 Minutes

I like this guy more by the day. College football playoffs, and he is serious about it. Finally, someone who understands how to make America a better place. But seriously, I'm glad that someone is going to take the reigns on that one. And all that other stuff he said was good too.

President-Elect Obama really did have a good outing on 60 Minutes. He sounds like he is going to work with both sides of the aisle, and he seems to have a good grasp of reality ("The American people don't want to hear lots of speeches." So true). And if history is to be our guide the economy should improve rapidly, just because he is a democrat. Yes, all you money-grubbing republicans - the economy has ALWAYS tended to suck when you guys take over. If you don't believe me, check out the interest rates under Reagan. Or which party was in power to usher in the Great Depression - and which party got us out.

Not that the world economy can get much worse. This morning on the news they reported that the price of oil FELL in response to a threat from OPEC to cut production. Ummmm....wonder if the problem is on the demand side? Ya think.

Finally, the best part or the interview, for me, was that we have actually elected someone who is capable of speaking in complete, intelligent sentences - without a teleprompter or notes. Seriously, I had a giant grin on my face for the first ten minutes of the interview, just thinking that we have a president able to communicate...presidentially. It's been a long time since old Bill was out there making Americans look bright and energetic. I'm tired of watching Alfred E. Newman make us look like whatever it is that he makes us look like.

And, on top of all that, college football will soon have a true champion.

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