Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday - Let's show the retailers how Sh$tty the economy really is!!

It is the grand national celebration of capitalism, that leads to the celebration of the birth of Jesus. I won't wax too poetic about absurd this annual ritual truly is, however I will say that it is a great day to show Bush and his genius cronies what a wonderful job they have done with the national pocketbook.

Examples: Lady in line at Best Buy this morning - "I'm not going to buy anything, I'm just here to try and win some of the giveaways." She was there at 3:00AM.

Wired magazine (highly recommended to anyone living in the 21st century) " this recession (depression?)..."

But there is a good side to all this. If history is any guide, in 6 to 18 months the economy is going to rebound nicely. Check the history books on all the other recessions and depressions that were handed to the democrats. This one might surprise people. If you've been thinking about starting a business, this is the time to do it. Ask the truly rich. Not that idiot in a McMansion at the end of the block, I'm talking about Buffett and Gates. Do you think they are net sellers right now? Not a chance. Sure, they are liquidating crappy assets, but they are new buyers. You should be too.

More Wired "(this type of economy) is the crucible in which great companies are forged." Anybody got a good idea? Drop me a line. I'm in.

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