Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Social Networks: The crack of the new millenium

Those things are the most pointless waste of time in history, most of the time. Seriously, does anyone need to know the last time Bill got drunk? Or that Katie is at Subway? (That one is for you, Twitter) And yet, somehow - if you are like me - we can't stop surfing the stupid things. Then we put our own pointless information up, so our "friends" (many of whom we've never met) can waste their time looking at what movie we want to see this weekend.

On this point: Thank God for Facebook!! How many unreadable Myspace profiles are out there? For those addicted to posting in pink letters on a dark pink background - I CAN'T READ A DAMN WORD! The day Facebook allows that crap in the background is the day I officially proclaim as the beginning of the Apocalypse. And next time you are rabidly anticipating your friend's addition of a new "person she'd like to meet", and it comes up in lime on a key lime background - rendering it useless - You, miss pink on pink, deserve it. Mr. Pink should come to visit you for the garbage you've piled onto the world.

(First comment identifying the movie reference in this post wins a copy of the unreleased Steve Buscemi sex tape!!!) (If anyone actually wants to see that)

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