Monday, June 30, 2008

Google Media Server?

The report this morning about Google Media Server makes Google look like the young company they are: aggressive, scatterbrained, and unaware of the past. Which in this case will probably be good for the consumer, and (as usual) Google.

Who remembers WebTV? That would be the company that tried "console surfing" (my words not theirs) and was later absorbed by Microsoft. I think "abject failure" is a little strong, but not far from the mark. And here comes Google with the same device. Of course, it works better because the tech is newer, and Google does a good job in general. Doing a good job alone is insufficient if the device lacks demand. Seriously, a guy I worked with just bought an Acer rebuilt laptop for $250. Who needs a console for surfing on a TV? Even the lowest of income brackets can afford a $250 laptop.

Oh, but wait. For all of the aforementioned reasons, the Microsofts, Ciscos, and Sonys of the world will not enter this market again until it is proven to be potentially profitable. What Google sees - and they don't - is that evolution of the net. YouTube, Revver, Metacafe, etc. (don't forget RedTube, YouPorn and their brethren either). The net is now made for TV. Google sees it, and is too young and too dumb to follow the advice of history. By the time web video resolutions reach big screen levels, they could dominate a lucrative market.

All thanks to youthful stupidity.

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